Effortless Transaction Monitoring
Now, with eTM2, monitoring your trading activity is as easy as it should be.
The New REMIT2 legislation requires you to monitor every transaction. With Equias's eTM2 for REMIT2, you've got industry-leading software to detect and stop market abuse.
eTM2 is transaction surveillance. Our software is optimised for regulatory compliance to prepare you and your business for compliance with REMIT2's stricter requirements.
Market-ready data integration and monitoring from day one.
Finally, time is on your side. eTM2 is data-ready.
Built using Equias's Premium Dataset, eTM2 combines OTC, exchange, and bilateral data, giving you the most complete picture of your trades and transactions and how they compare to market trends.
Let eTM take the strain
Today, around 75 trading entities use eTM from Equias. In each case, the service brings together their trades and orders with market data from the Equias Premium Market Dataset; and then analyses it for patterns of abusive trading behaviour.So how does it work?
You set your thresholds for the identified abuse patterns (spoofing, layering, off-market pricing, etc).
Our eTM service collects and configures your data every day and then evaluates every trade you made that day against your threshold criteria and the relevant market data from Equias’ Premium Market Dataset.
Should our eTM identify a potential problem, you will receive an automatic alert outlining the details so that you can resolve it immediately with the help of colleagues using task-based workflows to allocate, add commentary and close alerts; or take them further.

Why choose Equias for eTM?
There are various trade monitoring tools and services available today. However, eTM from Equias is unique in several ways.
Market data is already available from the Equias Premium Market Dataset and your trades and orders are already available because they were reported through eRR; or are available for collection from venues of execution already connected to the service.
This service was custom-built by the European energy market for that market. The vast quantity and quality of data within our eTM is tailored to the unique nuances of the European energy market. For example, eTM monitors Forwards, Futures and Spot – with dedicated tools to cater for the differing nature of spot contracts and spot market volatility.
Ultimately, you cannot put a price on peace of mind. However, eTM gives you this confidence at an extremely competitive price-point compared to many other trade surveillance tools on the marketplace. Want to know more? Contact us
Already using eRR from Equias?
Are you already using our eRR service? If so, adding eTM is an obvious – and effortless – next step. We simply take all the data collected as part of your reporting regime and use it to monitor your trades too. It’s all part of making a virtue (trade monitoring) out of a necessity (regulatory compliance).