Evaluate your trades
with electronic Market Insights (eMI)
The best way to evaluate any market is through analysis of the most comprehensive set of trade data available to you. Our electronic Market Insight (eMI) gives you just that. This latest service gives you access to the Equias Premium Market Dataset; unlocking new market insight by drawing on the vast amount of European energy trade data that Equias has collected and curated.
Your insight into ours
Imagine if your trading desk had access to market data that not only included the volume and price of the overall market, but also the fundamentals that drive a market’s liquidity in each location and product (including support for prices by the number of trading entities, and liquidity attributes such as time-to-fill, order to trade ratio... and the application of volatility scores on markets).
Our eMI service is designed to provide all this critical information and more to help inform your trading strategies.
These insights come from the Equias Premium Market Dataset; including bilateral trading data obtained through our interactions with trading organisations, brokers and exchanges over the years - which we clean, anonymise, aggregate and combine with additional data from third-party sources - plugging any gaps, to create even deeper insights.
As a result, our eMI service will enable you, amongst other things, to: